Our Marketing Manager, Simone, recently sat down with the experts at Amax Marketing to chat all things marketing, career growth, and building a strong social media presence. 💪👇

Meet Simone, the architect behind Kuboid’s marketing strategy! With a Master’s degree in Public Relations and Marketing, Simone joined the Kuboid team in 2021 and is responsible for executing Kuboid’s broad marketing strategy. Simone’s dedication goes beyond just promoting the Kuboid brand; she also provides valuable advice and guidance to customers, ensuring they have the support they need, every step of the way.

What is your role in the company, and your day-to-day activities?

I’m the Marketing Manager at Kuboid, I’m responsible for executing our marketing strategy and enhancing our brand awareness across the UK & Europe. No day is ever the same! It varies from travelling across Europe to capture our important customer success stories to working on our next big trade event. My day-to-day activities include managing our social media platforms, driving engagement to our website by publishing industry-related blogs, coordinating our marketing campaigns, and analysing their performance to ensure we achieve our goals.

How did you get involved in the industry and your journey at Kuboid so far?

After I graduated with a master’s degree in PR & Marketing at Swansea University, I moved back home to start my career. I worked briefly as a marketing events assistant for a local company which I loved, but due to Covid the role started to change, and that’s when I came across a role advertised at Kuboid. I decided to apply because I was intrigued by the role – but I had no idea how exciting it would actually be! The company was taken over by 3 new directors about four months before I joined. They wanted to take Kuboid to new heights – this meant a new brand, a new website, and a huge marketing strategy… pretty daunting for a recent graduate, but I’ve loved every second and learnt so much in the process.
As soon as I met the team I knew I would fit in, and I’ve never looked back!

“We believe that the customer experience is everything, our tagline, ‘redefining self storage’ reflects our mission to provide exceptional, customer-centric experiences that redefines the industry standard.”

What are some of the biggest challenges you face in your day-to-day operations?

I’m very lucky that I work alongside a fantastic bunch of individuals. I always tell them they make my job easier because I get to share all their hard work on social media. But sometimes it can be a challenge to get everyone involved. For example, I would love to post more of our office manager Teresa and all the great things she does but she doesn’t like social media. You have to respect people’s boundaries but I wish everyone could see how great she is. Also trying to get the team to get involved with my TikTok ideas can be a battle, unless it’s our CAD Designer Alex, he loves the attention!

Can you share any memorable success stories that you personally and the business have gained inside the industry?

If I think back to my favourite moments, it’s got to be sponsoring the networking dinners at the SSA conferences. We find it’s a great way to get our personalities across, it’s not too
serious, and we can have some fun and catch up with people having a few drinks. The SSA have been great in giving us so many fantastic opportunities. We’re actually sponsoring the welcome dinner at the upcoming FEDESSA conference in Stockholm which we’re buzzing about!

Building a social media presence from scratch is no small accomplishment. What kind of content did you find resonated best with your target audience?

A few years ago, Microsoft reported that the average person’s attention span was 8 seconds – shorter than a goldfish! Regardless of whether that is true, you only have seconds to capture your audience’s attention these days. Some might find it odd – but I’ll rarely post about our products. Speaking for myself, I switch off when I see a brand pushing their products all the time.

“For me, it’s all about sharing authentic content, whether that’s a silly post about one of our team members, or a brand-new customer testimonial – I find that these really resonate with our audience.

What are some of the biggest trends you see shaping the marketing landscape in your industry?

When I started my journey at Kuboid 3 years ago and set up our LinkedIn account, it was definitely a tumbleweed moment! The self storage industry was barely active on social media, and comparing it to today it’s almost unrecognisable. The rise of short-form video content has been a game changer thanks to TikTok and Instagram Reels. Also, the focus on sustainability – consumers are becoming more drawn to companies that demonstrate a commitment to eco-friendly practices, so that’s incorporated into marketing strategies.

We know that the industry is very male-dominated, is there any advice you’d give to other women looking to build a career in self storage?

It can be intimidating for sure. Don’t let anyone define you, be bold, be creative, and be yourself! Remember that your voice is just as important as anyone else’s in the room.

Looking back at the past 3 years, what have been some of your biggest marketing wins and what are you most proud of achieving? How will you build on this?

The past 3 years have been crazy! I can’t quite believe how we’ve transformed Kuboid. I’ll always be proud of our rebrand, and how we’ve incorporated our own personalities into the brand and all that it stands for. We’ve never been a fan of overly ‘corporate’ messaging and I think we have created a voice that resonates on a more personal level with our audience. A few years ago, the industry had a very clinical (some might argue boring) marketing approach and I feel like we been at the forefront of revolutionising that.

What’s next for Simone at Kuboid?

We have lots of things planned for this year – and while I can’t spill the beans yet, it’s going to be worth the wait! Our immediate focus is to continue enhancing our brand equity and strengthen our market position. Watch this space!

  • Amax Marketing have worked in a variety of industries, from hospitality to finance, to self storage, the team of experts bring together over 10 years’ experience in digital marketing to provide the best possible services for companies across the UK.
  • Kuboid has earned a reputation as a dedicated, forward-thinking team of self storage experts.
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