Helen Bourke is the Operations Director at The Self Storage Association UK. Like many in the self storage industry, Helen’s path to the role was anything but conventional. Initially aiming for a career in the forces but falling just short (literally) of the height requirement, Helen navigated through diverse roles before finding her home in self storage. We recently had the pleasure of sitting down with Helen to discuss everything you need to know about the association and what’s coming next…

We’d love to hear about the path that led you to The Self Storage Association. Can you tell us about your background and how you became involved?

I am undoubtedly similar to many in the industry who never set out to be a part of self storage but, here I am. Initially, I wanted to join the forces but as I fell 2 inches short of the minimum height limit, that was not to be. My early career encompassed roles across sales, marketing, and customer service, as well as a period of self-employment. I joined the Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP) as Events Director – a natural progression perhaps, I was asked to take on the role of Director of Membership Services which incorporated the events and membership divisions of the organisation. I arrived at the SSA UK in 2019 following a career break and have never looked back.

Can you provide an overview of The Self Storage Association UK and its primary objectives?

The Self Storage Association is a principal trade association representing operators’ and industry supplier members’ interests in the UK. Our aim is to promote best practice and facilitate the growth of one of the fastest-growing alternative asset-based industries in the UK. Our vision is to ensure a sustainable and self-regulated UK self storage industry. So, we:

  • Provide industry-specific research.
  • Provide a lobbying forum to promote industry interests with statutory bodies.
  • Provide a forum for discussion and debate between members through a network of events including the annual conference, and regional meetings.
  • Provide training for industry operators.
  • Raise awareness of the benefits of self storage and promote best practice within the industry.

How has the association evolved since its establishment in 1995?

To understand where we are today, I think it’s worth knowing a little bit about the history of the association. It was founded in 1995 by just a few operators and between 1995 and 2000 the SSA UK began to increase member services which include early versions of the Focus magazine (now UNLOCKED), and improved content for conferences and events. For a short time, as self storage spread across Europe, the SSA UK started to attract European members and became the Self Storage Association of the UK and Europe. However, following a conference in Paris in 2004, FEDESSA was born, and the SSA UK reverted to focusing on just the UK.

Rennie Schafer succeeded Rodney Walker as CEO in 2013 and when Rodney retired the following year, Rennie was appointed as the CEO of FEDESSA too. Not surprisingly, the association went through a rapid period of change, with improvements to the legal support offered to members, the magazine, more training sessions, and increased networking opportunities. Joining fees were scrapped and annual fees were reduced so membership became better value and more affordable, resulting in more members.

The SSA UK has always been well respected, and we continue to operate at a fast pace and very high level considering how small the team has been. I believe the saying punching above your weight aptly describes us with many members expressing their surprise when they realise that we’re a small team. Industry growth has increased our membership numbers, and the team has grown in line with the needs of our members, thus ensuring we continue to provide a valuable proposition.

The SSA UK is known for its vibrant events and networking opportunities. Could you describe some of the most exciting gatherings or moments that encapsulate what the industry is all about?

If you have attended any of our in-person events or conferences, you’ll have experienced the wealth of knowledge shared and the friendliness between members. Many would say that once you’re in the industry, you never leave, and it’s easy to see why. Not only are the people you meet at these events colleagues and possibly peers in the industry, but they are incredibly nice too and all are made to feel welcome regardless of whether you’re new to the industry or have been around a while. Many establish life-long friendships too and it’s great to see some of these relationships develop.

Over recent years, we’ve hosted dinners in several different and unique venues from the Whiskey Tasting Experience in Scotland, a museum full of vintage motorcycles, the beautiful Birmingham Botanical Gardens, and even a 600-year-old medieval Crypt in London that hosted King Henry VIII’s three-day wedding feast in 1531. We’ve also visited a restaurant accessible only by snowmobile in the Swiss Alps and held networking events in a maze of disused railway arches under Waterloo station and an inn built in the 1700s that was originally a tea factory and then a tavern. One visitor suggested that it looked like it was straight off the set of Game of Thrones. I have no idea what we may find next but rest assured, we will continue to look for further unusual and perhaps even strange venues.

Every event we hold is special to us and creates memorable moments, many of which last a lifetime.

Looking ahead, what exciting plans or innovations are on the horizon for SSA UK? Are there any sneak peeks you can share about upcoming initiatives or projects?

There is always something new on the horizon and we’re very excited to be launching our new SSA UK Accredited training programme for operators in the Autumn. It’s a comprehensive suite of training sessions that increase knowledge covering all the key areas of self storage with mandatory and several additional topics to choose from to suit your learning needs. The UNLOCKED magazine will soon be going digital, though for the time being at least, there will still be a hard copy, and the invaluable Manual of Advice and Procedures (MAP) is being updated, too. We hope to publish this later in the year as an interactive resource to make searching for information easier. We recently revised the Self Storage Licence Agreement ready for the introduction of StorerCheck, which will be available soon, and we’ll also be announcing the dates for the annual UK Conferences, to be held in 2025 and 2026. No doubt there will be more over the coming months so keep an eye on your inbox and the SSA UK website.

How can existing members maximise the benefits of their membership?

It’s different depending on your membership type. If you’re an operator, I’d recommend attending as many events and webinars as possible, to ensure you are keeping up to date and taking advantage of industry networking. The monthly CEO Update Webinar is a must-attend event to hear the latest industry news, and the popular online Sector Forums are worth attending as we discuss security, digital marketing, women in business, external storage, technology and innovation, and UK legal, and all are complimentary to attend.

There is also a range of paid training sessions covering pretty much every aspect of running a self storage business, often delivered by leading industry experts, and monthly hot topic webinars. If you’re a supplier, you need to be visible to members. If operators can’t see you, they won’t know what you offer. There are numerous ways to do this including attending online and in-person events, advertising in the magazine, exhibiting or sponsoring an event, and participating in the annual Supplier Summit and Supplier Sector Forum. Talk to us and tell us what you’re trying to achieve, and we’ll work with you to support your goals.

And if you’re not already a YSN (Young Storers Network) member and are under 40, join the YSN. The group has nearly 300 members, is larger than the US equivalent, and has been helping to support and develop the youth of the industry for over seven years. Finally, engagement with the association is important. Remember, we’re here to support you but we also enjoy having a chat to get to know you better and we’re always interested in how you’re getting on.

The upcoming FEDESSA Conference is almost here, and the theme is music! If you could create a playlist that best represents the SSA UK team’s dynamic, what would you choose?

Rennie – Wanted Dead or Alive (Bon Jovi)

Helen – Hells Bells (AC/DC)

Stephen – Peace & Quiet (The Rifles)

Bryony – She Moves in Her Own Way (The Kooks)

Hayley – Mirrorball (Elbow)

Emma – Insomnia (Faithless)

Darren – Playing God (Paramore)

Andrew – Bubbles (Biffy Clyro)

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