As a trusted leader in the self storage industry for almost 20 years, Kuboid has transformed countless spaces into highly profitable self storage facilities. With a reputation built on expertise, innovation, and commitment to quality, we have seen firsthand how nearly any building can be repurposed into a functional self storage facility. But which types of buildings are best suited for self storage fit outs? Let’s explore some of the popular options and the unique advantages each offers.

Industrial Warehouses

Industrial warehouses are one of the top choices for self storage fit outs. With the high ceilings, large open spaces, and robust structures, warehouses can easily accommodate various sizes of storage units. The open layout allows for a flexible design, making it easy to maximise the available space efficiently. Whether it’s a former manufacturing site or a distribution center, these buildings often have the structural integrity needed to support multiple storage levels. This allows for a mezzanine to be installed, enhancing your facility’s revenue potential.

Office Buildings

With the shift towards remote work, many office buildings are left vacant, creating a prime opportunity for self storage conversion. These spaces often come with existing amenities such as elevators and parking, reducing the cost of setting up your storage facility. Office buildings are typically located in cities with high foot traffic, making them ideal for attracting customers looking for convenient, secure storage solutions.

Retail Spaces

Retail spaces, particularly those affected by the decline of traditional retail, offer excellent potential for self storage units. These buildings are strategically located, often in highly visible and accessible areas, which is a huge plus for attracting customers. Converting a former store into a self storage facility can also breathe new life into properties.

Underground Car Parks and Old Buildings

Underground car parks and older buildings are often overlooked, yet they hold great potential for self storage. These spaces typically have lower real estate values but can be transformed into profitable storage units with the right design. By optimising lighting and security, you can turn these areas into high-demand self storage spaces that maximise your buildings earning potential. Many old buildings come with robust construction that can be adapted to storage use without major structural changes. High ceilings, large windows, and open floor plans typical of older industrial buildings are ideal for creating various storage unit sizes. It can be a challenge, but it can be done with the right self storage partner!

Empty Farm Buildings and Barns

The agricultural industry has become increasingly challenging, with fluctuating crop prices, rising costs, and unpredictable British weather patterns which affect profitability. Many farmers are seeking alternative revenue streams, and self storage offers a stable, low-maintenance option. Empty farm buildings, such as barns, chicken sheds, and other agricultural structures, offer unique and often overlooked opportunities for self storage conversion. Since many farm structures are already built to withstand the elements and heavy use, the conversion costs can be relatively low.

Why Choose Kuboid for Your Self Storage Fit Out?

Kuboid’s experience and dedication to quality set us apart in the self storage industry. Our team of experts are equipped to handle every aspect of your project, from initial consultation and design, to construction through to aftercare.

Ready to Maximise Your Buildings Potential?

Let Kuboid guide you through the process of transforming your space into a successful self storage business. With our expertise, you’ll be equipped to unlock new revenue streams and elevate your building’s value. Get in touch with us today to start your journey toward self storage success.

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